Generated on 2024-10-01 11:48:50

















Heart rate

Heart rate - Overlay

RR intervals

RR intervals - Overlay

Heart rate variability over sliding windows

Heart rate variability over sliding windows - Overlay

RR-interval variability over sliding windows

RR-interval variability over sliding windows - Overlay

RR-interval difference RMS (RMSSD)

RR-interval difference RMS (RMSSD) - Overlay

Percentage of successive RR intervals differing by more than 50 ms over 120-beat window

Percentage of successive RR intervals differing by more than 50 ms over 120-beat window - Overlay

R-wave amplitudes

R-wave amplitudes - Overlay

QT intervals

QT intervals - Overlay

Bazett corrected QT (QTc) intervals

Bazett corrected QT (QTc) intervals - Overlay

T/R wave ratio

T/R wave ratio - Overlay

Subject P015 electrocardiogram (ECG) detailed data processing

hr: Heart-rate

hr: Heart-rate

hr_refined: Heart-rate refined

hr_refined: Heart-rate refined

hr_smoothed: Heart-rate smoothed

hr_smoothed: Heart-rate smoothed

rr: RR-interval

rr: RR-interval

rr_refined: RR-interval refined

rr_refined: RR-interval refined

rr_smoothed: RR-interval smoothed

rr_smoothed: RR-interval smoothed

sd_hr: Heart rate moving STD

sd_hr: Heart rate moving STD

sd_hr_refined: Refined heart rate moving STD

sd_hr_refined: Refined heart rate moving STD

sd_hr_smoothed: Smoothed heart rate moving STD

sd_hr_smoothed: Smoothed heart rate moving STD

sd_rr: RR-interval moving STD

sd_rr: RR-interval moving STD

sd_rr_refined: Refined RR-interval moving STD

sd_rr_refined: Refined RR-interval moving STD

sd_rr_smoothed: Smoothed RR-interval moving STD

sd_rr_smoothed: Smoothed RR-interval moving STD

rmssd_rr: RR-interval diff RMS

rmssd_rr: RR-interval diff RMS

rmssd_rr_refined: Refined RR-interval diff RMS

rmssd_rr_refined: Refined RR-interval diff RMS

rmssd_rr_smoothed: Smoothed RR-interval diff RMS

rmssd_rr_smoothed: Smoothed RR-interval diff RMS

prr50_rr: RR-interval PRR50ms

prr50_rr: RR-interval PRR50ms

r_amps: R-wave amplitudes

r_amps: R-wave amplitudes

r_amps_refined: R-wave amplitudes refined

r_amps_refined: R-wave amplitudes refined

r_amps_smoothed: R-wave amplitudes smoothed

r_amps_smoothed: R-wave amplitudes smoothed

qt: QT-interval

qt: QT-interval

qt_refined: QT-interval refined

qt_refined: QT-interval refined

qt_smoothed: QT-interval smoothed

qt_smoothed: QT-interval smoothed

qt_c: QTc (Bazett)

qt_c: QTc (Bazett)

qt_c_refined: QTc (Bazett) refined

qt_c_refined: QTc (Bazett) refined

qt_c_smoothed: QTc (Bazett) smoothed

qt_c_smoothed: QTc (Bazett) smoothed

qrs: QRS duration

qrs: QRS duration

qrs_refined: QRS duration refined

qrs_refined: QRS duration refined

qrs_smoothed: QRS duration smoothed

qrs_smoothed: QRS duration smoothed

t_to_r: T/R ratio

t_to_r: T/R ratio

t_to_r_refined: T/R ratio refined

t_to_r_refined: T/R ratio refined

t_to_r_smoothed: T/R ratio smoothed

t_to_r_smoothed: T/R ratio smoothed